Aaron Swartz

An interrupted Genius

Aaron Hillel Swartz, a boy who wanted to share knowledge.

Here's a time line of Aaron Swartz's life:

  • 1986 - Born in Chicago, Illinois
  • 2001 - Joined World Wide Web Consortium where was author of RFC 3870
  • 2005 - In that year created Infogami and the framework web.py
  • 2006 - Quit job at Reddit because lack of adaptation
  • 2008 - Founded Watchdog.net "The good government site with teeth" to add and visualize political data in exercise.
  • 2010 - 2011 - Made an investigation about political corruption with a Lab Fellow on the Laboratory of Research About Institutional Corruption - Edmond J. Safra, in Harvard
  • Sept 24-27, 2010 - Aaron begins mass download from Jstor on MIT's computer network, bypassing Jstor's limit on how many journals can be downloaded, JSTOR then proceeds to block Aaron, then all downloads from MIT and all users were denied access from September 26-29.
  • Oct 2-9, 2010 - Swartz once again began downloading through MIT's internet connection. JSTOR responds by shutting off access for all of MIT's campus for another few days.
  • Nov-Dec, 2010 - Swartz decided to go into a network closet under MIT's building 16 and connected his 2 laptops to the network
  • January 4,2011 - Aaron's laptop is found unferneath a cardboard box. IS&T install a hidden network camer aand observe swartz etering the closet to replace an external hard drive.
  • January 6, 2011 - Swartz went into the closet wearing a helmet to evade any video cameras in the closet, he was later confronted by MIT police and fled with his downloading algorithms on a usb drive. He hid his laptop and external drive under a table and was laterapprehended by MIT police after being stopped and trying to run away
  • July 14, 2011 - Swartz was indicted on four counts by the grand Jury of Federal district court for wire fraud, omputer fraud, unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer, and recklessly damaging a protected computer
  • July 19, 2011 - Swartz was granted bail in the United States Massachusetts district Court
  • November 18, 2011 - Swartz was indicted a second time fro breaking and entering, larceny over $250 and unauthorized access to a computer network by the Middlesex Superior Court.
  • November 30, 2011 - Swartz was arraigned in Middlesex Superior Court, where he plead Not Guilty
  • March, 8 2012 - Middlesex superior court drops all charges against Swartz but the four federal charges remained
  • September 12, 2012 - The Federal indictment with foru counter against Swartz was superseded. The revised indictment was for 13 counts, including 2 counts for wire fraud, 5 counts of unlawfully obtaining information from a protedcted computer, and 1 count of recklessly damaging a protected computer.
  • September 24, 2012 - Swartz plead not guilty to all 13 counts during his arraignment on a superseding indictment.
  • October 5, 2012 - It was revealed that MIT provided the secret service with details and logs of Swartz's activity without a warrant or subpoena
  • October 31, 2012 - Swartz hired new legal representation to represent him in his case, Keker and Van Nest, A top law firm in San Francisco.
  • November 16, 2012 - The government filed a response against Swartz's legal teams motions to supress evidence. They showed 22 exhibits of Swartz as he entered building 16 of MIT where he attempted to cover his face with his helmet. This was an attempt to justify the FBI's copying of Swartz's RAM without a warrant.
  • December 2, 2012 - Swartz's attorneys requested a delay to Swarts's trial. The judge decided to have a hearing for 3 hours on January 25.
  • January 11, 2013 - Born in Cresco, Iowa
  • Sept - Swartz was found dead in his Brooklyn Apartment by his girlfriend. A spokeswoman for New Yorks Medical Examiner reported that he hung himself. There was no suicide note found

"Aaron had an unbeatable combination of political insight, technical skill, and intelligence about people and issues. I think he could have revolutionized American (and worldwide) politics. His legacy may still yet do so. Somewhere in there, Aaron's recklessness put him right in harm's way."

Quinn Norton, Swartz's former partner

If you have time, you should read more about this incredible human being on his Wikipedia entry.